Friday, August 14, 2009

Create Hub Pages and Make Money

I recently discovered something really neat I'd like to share. It may be new for some and not so new to others...It's certainly new to me. They are Hub Pages.

If you've ever heard of Squidoo then you will understand the way the site works. On Squidoo, you create what are called Lenses. On Hub pages, you create hubs. Essentially what you are doing is creating an article about whatever topic of interest you want to write about. You can include, videos, photos, links, RSS feeds, you name it. The beauty about it is, you can also monetize your Hub pages. Join an affiliate program or Google Adsense and you can have ads posted on your hubs. Lots of people are making a decent residual income with Hub pages.

Creating a Hub page also helps you to spread the word about your product or service. Of course you can't be overly promotional but you can get your links out there and start creating Hub pages to show your authority in your area of business.

I wrote my first two hubs last week (I needed something to do while I was being pissed off for having people steal my articles online):

I encourage anyone with a business to start creating Hub pages. Two reasons:
  • When business is slow, get to writing and earn some $$
  • Get exposure for your business

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